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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Where I want to go next

Now yall are all caught up with my past travels and hopefully I didn't miss anything with my bad memory :) whoa that was a lot of typing! I do hope I didn't miss any countries that I have been too. They tend to blur together after a while. I have already caught you up on Asia/Australia/New Zealand (my current trip).

I dont want to come across as spoiled or smug. All the time people ask me "Tyler how do you get to travel so much?" I can answer that really easily.All I do is have a really good work ethic (Thanks  Mom and Dad!) and a really good idea of how to save money (Again, thanks Mom and Dad) so, back when I was in The States I would just set a goal of where I wanted to go and when I wanted to go and just save every penny I could until then and just go. The other major thing that allowed me to travel so much is I don't have what most people would consider a "normal stable life" I don't have a career,house,girlfriend,wife,kids or basically anything tying me down. This lifestyle definitely isn't for everyone but it is for me and I love it. It has allowed me to see things in the past 10 years that most people only dream of seeing. I have done more traveling than most people do in a lifetime and I know I am lucky.

I guess the only thing left now is to tell you where I want to visit. It will be easier to tell you where I DON'T want to visit because this world is a huge place and I want to see most all of it. I have no interest in Iran,Iraq,Afghanistan or any place where I have a large chance of actually dying. Nor do I have any interest in Antarctica because its too damn cold. Other than that I am open to going anywhere else in this world. In the near future I plan to either go back to Thailand (once it settles down) or spend some time in more of Europe and go to South America. I really want to go to Africa as well, although I don't want to see all of Africa just do the Capetown to Cairo route so I can see South Africa and then go see The Pyramids. I have lived in Texas my whole life and never even been to Mexico. Once all the drug violence settles down I would love to go there as well.

So there you have it you know my travel plans for the future. I hope to travel until I am 100 or until I get sick of it. But for now I am loving life and loving being here doing this. I am a lucky lucky man and I know it. I wouldn't change anything that has happened so far except for my computer and camera being stolen.

Yall take care,Tyler

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading all about your world travels - you really have been alot of places. We miss you. Find a job!! Love, mom and dad
