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Saturday, December 09, 2023

I made it home

I just wanted to let everyone know that I am back home in Spain with Jenny and Eliana. My dad came back with me and he will be here until the day after Eliana 's birthday on the 14th.

I am very happy to be reunited with Jenny and Eliana but I am still continuing daily speech and physical therapy trying to slow but surely get back to normal life. 

I am a lucky man all things considered and I know sooner or later I will be back to normal. But this is a maratón not a sprint. I know that I have a long road ahead of me but I am prepared. I am also very lucky that with time and effort I will only continue to improve not get steadily worse. 

Thursday, March 16, 2023

general update

I have not blogged in a while but I wanted to give all of yall a general update.

Eliana is now 2 years old and growing like a weed. I am so proud to be her father and she is so smart. I love her with all my heart. 

I am finally stable health wise and still going to rehab Monday to Friday. I still have issues with my balance and stability but everything else is progressing well. 

Jenny is staying busy with work since I can't work currently. I am lucky to have her help.
So overall, things are going well. They could be better of course but I am luckier than I deserve.