So I guess its time for a little update. Whats going on in my life.... Well, Jenny and I are still going strong after 6 months together and her birthday is coming up so I have a surprise planned for her :D We recently had a trip together for our Easter holidays. We went to a city outside of Bogota for 2/3 days and it rained a lot but we still had a good time! We toured a national park and waded thru rivers and walked thru a ton of mud but it was a good time and it was really beautiful. We also had a ride in a horse drawn carriage. All I could think about the whole time was that Seinfeld episode where Kramer takes George's in laws on that horse drawn carriage ride haha.
Work is still slugging along, I start a new class at my University tomorrow and I am still working for Berlitz. In June we have some more holidays and Jenny and I (Along with a lot of my friends) are going to the annual tomato fight here in Colombia which is always a great time. hmmm what else? Really there isnt much else to tell. I am pretty boring these days but happy. Yall have a good one,Ty