After roughly 12 days on the road and 12 gigs in 12 different cities I finally have a week off. This is much needed because right now I am sick as a dog with a head cold which has been aggravated by my lack of consistent sleep lately and my insane working hours. Today (my first day back home in the city) I went to the doctor and got myself sorted though so hopefully soon I will be good as gold again. I work with good people and make good money though so in the end this has been good for me so far and I have got a lot of great experience and seen many really awesome places I never would have seen otherwise. I have learned a whole lot about what it takes to get a show ready to go and I will never take it for granted again and never look at a concert the same way again either! It sure does take a lot of work to build the stage and set up the lights and sound for just one show and we do it over and over all over the north island.
I finally got to watch the whole gig last night for the first time and I really enjoyed it. There is three bands, Midnight Youth,Op Shop and Brooke Fraser on this Winery Tour. Almost all of our gigs are performed at these wineries. So there is fancy people and fancy catered food and drink. (Which I don't mind eating hehe) Our company pays for our accommodation and our food so while we are working we basically have zero expenses plus we get our daily rate so it isn't a bad job just really long hours and full on hard work. I have a great boss and work with great people though so that sure helps. Not to mention I get to work with my friend's Ben,Brian and Thomas and get to make many new friends! :)
The only other thing I wanted to mention was that I have actually had the time to talk to some of the bands back stage and one band in particular Midnight Youth (they are all guys my age or younger) are really awesome. They have really taken the time to talk to me and get to know me and really make me feel like I matter and I am not just some random crew member. I think that is really awesome they are so down to earth.
One band member in particular Nick (one of the guitarist) has talked with me quite a bit and even gave me a CD of theirs for free. But not only did he give it to me for free he autographed it for me along with all the other guys in the band! I was actually out in the crowd watching the gig at the time and he actually searched me out and found me in the crowd and gave it to me. He even talked to my friends that I invited to the concert. It really meant a lot to me that he would do that and I wont forget it.
I have one week off before I start working again and I will work straight thru until 15th of march then be done for good. Well that is all I got for now. Yall take care,Tyler
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