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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Time is moving on....

Time sure does fly when you are having fun huh? The 4th of July has already passed here, my mom's birthday has passed, and so has the middle of July! Soon it will be August! Well the last job I had was only temporary and did not last long so I have been on the job hunt since then. I haven't been having much luck lately as hard as I have been trying. Until yesterday that is. I must have registered with 30 job agencies and been out and out and about and applied online for so many jobs but I got a call from a woman about a factory job and I have an interview on Monday!

They also asked if I knew anyone else who needed a job so I recommended Ben and it would be great if we both got the job, same schedule,same place so that way we could split taxi fare as there is no public transport out that way. So if we are lucky both of us will get this job!

So wish me luck :) I do need this job. Also, my parents and brother get to this part of the world in early August and I will be seeing them for the first time in 10 months. I am sure they are excited! and I know this is the longest flight any of them have ever been on. I on the other hand am used to it because I have been lucky (or unlucky) depending on how you look it, haha. to fly all over the globe to many neat places and have taken lots of flights so I am quite used to it by now. I hope their flights go well and it should be fun.

Other than that, the only other new thing in my life is we saw Knight and Day that new movie (well new here) with Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz. It was pretty good. Not amazing but it was entertaining. Also, I have been getting progressively better and better at poker. I play in Tournaments as I said before, where I don't use any of my real money but am able to win real money and I have won some actual money. Just like 10 bucks total but its better than nothing and I fun way to exercise my brain because poker is a very "mental" sport. Especially online since you can't see their faces. I even got 4th place in a tournament and that was because I had to leave. If I could have stayed for the whole thing I seriously think I had a good chance at winning it all.

Oh ya one other thing, at least for me this year has gone SO fast! and November (when I leave) is fast approaching! So I will have to decide at that point whether to come home (because Americans are unable to get a 2nd year visa to Australia)  or to go work in New Zealand for 3 months and then travel South America for 3 months. That is an enticing option for sure.... I have always wanted to go to South America but that will all depend on the money situation. So I will keep yall updated on my decisions.

Well thats about it for now. Talk at yall later,Ty

1 comment:

  1. Tyler, wish you a very best luck to you.
    From your friend aka "daisy"
