Well ladies and gents I think I just might have found my Hotel California. I have moved from Bangkok to a sleepy little beach town which I won't name on this blog because since I have SO many followers I don't want you bringing all the tourists here and spoiling it ( insert sarcasm here) but seriously it is so drastically different from Bangkok I love it! There is VERY few tourists here and not many people speak English. I got a two week trial job here teaching English and if they like me I get to stay!
My new friend Maurice from Australia brought me here and it is 5 hours south of Bangkok and right on the beach. I was staying at a beach bungalow literally just steps from the beach. Well now I have found an even cheaper place for rent and I am seriously going to snatch it up. It is a fully furnished house right on the beach and super cheap! I will be sharing with the Thai lady who owns it but I don't mind!
Since so few people speak proper English I think I will be forced to learn Thai which is good for me but it is so hard! In English you can say " I have a dog" that same sentence in Spanish would be "Yo Tengo un perro" (yo= I Tengo=have un=a pero=dog.) pretty simple right? In Thai they have 5 different tones which means the same word can mean five different things depending on your voice! Not only that but, there is no spacing at all between their words so it all blends together. There is something like 44 consonants and 16 vowels plus irregulars. Ka is the ending that girls say and Krup is what guys say on the end of the words. So as you can see it is NOTHING like English.
The only issue I see with living here is I may get bored easily and hopefully not to isolated. I have made a few friends here and tend to meet people easily so hopefully I will do alright. If I really start to go stir crazy I can go on the weekends up to Bangkok just five hours away. Anyway that's all I have for the moment. Wish me luck with the new job! Everyone seems super nice though.
This is my view every night :)
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