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Friday, July 12, 2024

Modern Life

I was just thinking today about how lucky I am to be alive in 2024 (and hopefully a lot longer). I was extremely lucky to have been born in Texas in 1984.

I had access to great doctors and nurses who in turn had access to the knowledge and technology to save my life. Had a been born somewhere else or a few years earlier, I might not have made it. 

Thirty five years later I got lucky again to be in Spain and have the Spanish healthcare system save my life again. This has been a long, slow, difficult road to recovery. However, I will get there slowly but surely.

Living in 2024 we have tons of modern technology that our ancestors could only dream about. Daily life is no longer hard in the modern world.

We have access to all of the food, water, housing and basic necessities that we can afford. Gyms are such a huge industry because so many people are overweight and unhealthy.

That is a very modern problem. Due to modern medicine and healthcare we are living longer than ever. Until recently, people lived short, hard lives just trying to survive day by day.

These days we have the privilege of hopefully living until old age. Statistically, most of use will probably die from something related to old age, our bodies just wear out. We are lucky in that respect. For most of humanity we never had to even think about that. 

Due to modern technology, it is theoretically possible to have all of your daily survival needs met yet to not interact face to face with another human being. The Internet has been one of the world's most important inventions, but it can also be used to cause harm. 

One of the biggest threats facing humans are humans themselves. If global warming doesn't wipe us out, it may be nuclear war, A. I. an asteroid, a disease or something we don't even know about yet.

That is why I try to take advantage of every day that I am still vertical. Because none of us know how or when we will take our last breath. 

Til next time, Tyler 

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